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Here is a basic page layout with a right sidebarMindfulness experience – switching off TV
As I started my stretching and strengthening routine, I automatically had the inclination to switch on the tv. Afterall it is much easier to go through workout while watching tv. Suddenly it crossed by mind, “Why do I need to watch tv? Is there something I really want...
Meditation – a vicious cycle
Meditation - a vicious cycle Regular practice of meditation steers one towards habit of always being relaxed, joyful and creative. That would increase productivity and progress in all areas of life. It would in turn result in increased discretionary time for leisure,...
Meditation for motivation (based on Nirvana Shatkam).
Have you had moments when you feel you need to exercise, you are fit, not tired but somehow you are not in a mood and just can't get yourself to get started with it. You just want to relax, watch a movie or something. How do you motivate yourself in such moments. I...
Mars becoming habitable – a blessing or a disaster
Our planet has been undergoing destruction. Species are becoming extinct at a rate faster than ever. If trends continue, someday over the next couple of decades or in a century or two, the earth may become inhabitable. One thought is that by that time we may make Mars...
Eliciting Attention – significance and techniques
Throughout Bhagavad Gita Sri Krishna addresses Arjuna with love, respect and empathy. He addresses him with morale boosting words like 'the destroyer of foes', 'the prominent among men', and 'the descendent of Kurus'. This is true for entire Bhagavad Gita except for...
A spiritual moment I recently experienced…
Friends, recently on a simple hike my wife tripped, fractured her right wrist and got couple of other bruises. Nothing that bad, such fractures are not that uncommon and it could have been much worse. Things are under control. But what I want to share is some...
Scientists able to see black hole for the very first time
Using telescopes as big as earth scientists able to see a black hole for the very first time! The images matched exactly what Einstein had predicted more than 100 years back... And that makes me wonder - what is more fascinating here - this great achievement itself or...
Living life – video game style
Living life - video game style Have you ever watched kids play video games? When they play, they are fully engrossed in it. They are using all their senses and are totally in it physically and emotionally. They are trying to compete and win, but more than that,...
Parenting tip – handling misbehavior in public
If a 5 year old yells at you and misbehaves in front of your friends, it is NO WORSE than if he yelled and misbehaved at you in private. Make sure the punishment or repercussion to the child is for the right reasons. The fact that you felt embarrassed, your image of...
Being a parent – a source of joy!
Being a Parent is a privilege and an opportunity to cherish and find joy in every moment and every aspect of kids lives. This includes the times when they misbehave or act in strange ways. It does not mean as parents you don’t nurture and lead them in right direction...
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