Changing labor laws in India…

Terribly pained… on hearing more and more news of mistreatment of labor class. Seems some states in India are relaxing labor laws! Perhaps to boost the economy and compete with China! No, we don’t want to compete with China in this area – exploitation of...

On lingering Caste System in India…

On lingering Caste System in India… It is sad to hear instances of casteism, still prevalent parts of India. It should go away and I don’t think anyone would oppose it, off course except few who still can and like to benefit from it. It is also unfortunate that...

Rising communal tension in India – the main issue!

Why has communal tension in India always been on the rise since independence? Mainly because there has never been an effort to bridge the gap. The entity most suitable to do this was the ‘seculars’. Had they made sincere effort to bring people of all religions on the...

Comparing the formations of Pakistan and Afghanistan…

It is interesting to note how the circumstances leading to very similar outcomes in Pakistan and Afghanistan were very different. Afghanistan’s fate is being decided by Taliban, which is being viewed as a terrorist organization. On the other hand Pakistan came into...

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