Page Title
Here is a basic page layout with a right sidebarDismantling Global (Pseudo) Secularism…
Dismantling Global (Pseudo) Secularism… On the anniversary of 9/11 and in the midst of extremism going on in Afghanistan, the secular community is busy holding conference titled Dismantly Global Hindutva! - Have they ever held any...
Walking quite fast… (a short story with a spiritual message)
Walking quite fast, I almost tripped and fell. There was a slight bump on a otherwise plain boardwalk. We can find 'bumps' anytime in life. The trick is to expect them and practice maintaining balance and handle all bumps while staying calm and blissful. Had I been...
Marvelling the beauty of fall, my mind wandered…
The play of nature is in front of me. In the midst of pleasant weather and all the colors, there are those colorful leaves, which are on the last step of their lives. Their end is imminent. It is only after the trees have shed old leaves is when the new ones can come...
Coming back from my morning walk… a spiritual experience…
It had been a bit hot outside. Entering the home after a long walk, I was feeling hot and sweaty. I had the impulse to lower the AC and turn the fan on. But then I paused... I centered myself and asked - “what is the urgency of doing any of the two. Am I really...
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 – Arjuna was NOT distracted or confused – a contrarian view point.
by admin | Feb 4, 2016 | Bhagavad Gita, Personal Leadership, Spirituality | 0 comments Most Bhagavad Gita commentaries describe Arjuna as confused, misguided and disillusioned. He is portrayed as someone totally running...
Rubik’s cube – An intuitive solution – part 1 – Introduction
Friends, Using couple of short posts, I am going to share a unique method of solving Rubik’s cube. My method is unique (I have not been able to find anything close to it on the internet or in any book). It is intuitive, meaning,...
Cooking or getting cooked!
Cooking or getting cooked!... I am here in the kitchen, preparing a recipe. Suddenly I ask myself, “But why am I preparing this recipe?”. Is it just because I do it everyday and I need to eat something. I just want to eat to satisfy my hunger or will this recipe...
Watching hi tech, sci-fi movie… (a spiritual post)
Watching hi tech, sci-fi movie... I am watching this incredibly exciting sci-fi movie. Every scene brings something new and different. There are endless possibilities and it is just mesmerizing to see one or some of them unfold. The movie is high tech (very high...
Interesting and scary predictions by AI
Interesting and scary - AI can tell you are going to die within an year. Expert can't find the underlying cause, disease or symptoms. And yes, the prediction is accurate! - click here
Mindfulness experience – keeping TV on
In my last post I talked of switching off tv. But before you think of cancelling your tv subscription, here is another true incidence - This morning I wake up, get fresh, have some nuts and green tea and am ready to do my workout. No TV today (at least that is my...
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