It had been a bit hot outside. Entering the home after a long walk, I was feeling hot and sweaty. I had the impulse to lower the AC and turn the fan on. But then I paused…
I centered myself and asked – “what is the urgency of doing any of the two. Am I really miserable!”. No. I was uncomfortable, but not miserable. I chose to stay with those feelings, took off my shoes with calmness, put them back at the right place, all the time feeling the discomfort of heat, but with a pleasant state of mind. In fact, I was observing my body as to how different parts of it were at unease (as opposed to trying not to think about it). I further reflected on my true nature, and remembered that any discomfort was in my body, which I own. But I am not my body. I am beyond that…
The heat and sweat were still the same, but with those thoughts, the discomfort I was feeling had practically vanished. I had a glass of water, came down in my basement and penned this blog.
Ps – hope some of you are not tempted to ask – “Neeraj – Why didn’t you just lower the AC! All this spiritual exercise only to save a few cents on the electricity bill?” 

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