Plight of a GWL – Introduction

Here is a short story I wrote way back in 2002. I am very lazy. I love to laze around. However, laziness is expensive, very expensive. Worst, it does not let me laze around. So if I really want to laze around, I better not be lazy. Inspired by the same theme, I have...

Travel safety and Sleep – a satire

(written couple of days after the recent German air plane crash in March 2015.)   Another airline crash and heard the same statement by a scientifically minded, engineer type person – “Air travel is the safest mode of travel” This statement has...

My humble attempt at humor – On TV Soap Madness

If you don’t watch Indian Zee tv serials you are lucky. This post is for the rest of us. Please bear with my language though, I don’t have much experience writing humor. First, if you indeed are from the lucky ones who don’t watch Zee, STOP. The rest of the writing in...

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