Meditation is considered a powerful technique for relaxation when you are tired, exhausted or overwhelmed. But so are other techniques like brisk walking, short nap, listening to music, engaging in laughter yoga, reading a book and so on.

What if you are already relaxed, feeling calm and centered and want to experience deeper relaxation. That is where the real power of meditation lies. It is the only known practice that has the potential to help you reach deeper levels of relaxation and well being which you could never experience otherwise.

Using meditation just to relax is like using a deep freezer to bring hot food to room temperature. A deep freezer is not meant for this and if you use it only for this, then you are undermining its real power.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get any feelings of deep relaxation during meditation. It can take number of years of practice to get there. But it is worth all the effort. The process of doing meditation itself has its own rewards. See also – Meditation – does it work for you?



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