Cooking or getting cooked!…

I am here in the kitchen, preparing a recipe. Suddenly I ask myself, “But why am I preparing this recipe?”. Is it just because I do it everyday and I need to eat something.

I just want to eat to satisfy my hunger or will this recipe provide me adequate nutrition also!

Besides being nutritious, does this recipe fit my long term plan to be in best possible health!

Am I preparing this recipe just for myself (and my family) or I also plan to share it with others, who are less privileged, hungry and need it more than me!

Satisfied, that the recipe fits into all of the above goals, I ask the final question – Am I finding joy in this process or doing it as a mundane process. I know the answer. I make sure, I continue the process mindfully, finding utmost joy in everystep.

With this here is my message for myself…

“The essence of life is in having eyes on the best possible long term outcome and then finding utmost joy in every action needed to achieve that outcome.

Without that, I am not ‘cooking’ anything but ‘getting cooked’ every moment”!


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