Everything is Created Twice

I recently posted following comments on the article – “Inspiring a Better World Ahead, the Museum of Future Inventions” On a different note, “Everything is created twice”, a quote from “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”...

Rubik’s cube and I

Rubik’s cube has always intrigued me for many reasons.  It was initially an intellectual challenge to solve a complex puzzle. But after I solved it, my fascination for it increased further. Most methods, of solving Rubik’s cube focus on reducing the number of steps...


(This story was written by me in September, 2004) Right from childhood, Swamiji had read all religious books, renounced the world and spent his life preaching. His believed that religion can’t be taught to poor as they are too busy worrying about food and hunger. So...

My Dad vs. Einstein (old)

My dad was a simple person who worked hard to raise his family. Most of his life centered around profession and caring for family. The word ‘hobby’ would be considered foreign to him. His only quality was that he lived his life based on integrity and hard...

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