Nerraj Mital
Neeraj Mital is a futurist writer, speaker, technology consultant. Passionate about envisioning a better future for mankind …
Living With Exponential Growth and Exponential Threats
My Presentation at Annual Conference of World Future Society, July 2014.
Are we living in Simulated Reality?
Most of the material I have come across on this topic is written by philosophers and logicians and targeted towards the same audience. They try to establish this possibility by idioms and postulates. In fact when I mentioned it even to some of my scientific minded...
Nirvana Shatkam – after thoughts
Nirvana Shatkam - after thoughts The essence of Nirvana Shatkam is 'You are nothing but pure awareness and your true nature is everlasting joy'. The more I ponder over it, I seem to discover yet more gems in this short, simple but philosophical looking profound...