Introvert – Shy or Reserved?

A person can be introvert if he/she is self conscious, afraid to express feelings in public, has hidden fears or could be introvert due to host of other similar reasons. A person in this category would be called shy. But a person can also be introvert because that...

The 0th habit

After writing “The 7 habits of highly effective people”, Steven Covey wrote “The 8th habit”. I wish he instead wrote the book titled “The 0th habit”… Covery mentioned 0th habit in the first chapter – “inside-out” of “7 habits… “, when he wrote...

Imperfect spirituality

(from the book “Imperfect spirituality”, by Polly Campbell – “Perfection”, writes Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, “is an engine that actually retards human progress, because it continually tosses humans back on a sense of their own...

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